Spring is just around the corner, and children will want to get outside, climb trees, throw rocks, and have fun. Why not introduce your children to Gardening?” Gardening is not just for adults. It can be fun and a learning experience for children, too. Here are some benefits for children digging and planting in the garden.
Skills that children develop when Gardening
Grasping: Even babies can come in the garden and practice! Let your child reach for a tool or grab handfuls of dirt to explore.
Balance: Moving through the rows in the garden, both big and small, helps children learn balance, especially in tight spaces where the plants have overgrown their path.
Lifting and lowering objects: Gardening requires lots of lifting and lowering. Kids can master this by using a watering can, manipulating small hand tools, or even using a shovel to add compost to the garden.
Fine motor skills: Children love to place seeds into the earth. Big seeds like peas, beans, and corn are easy for small hands to grasp and germinate quickly.
Striking: Grab a small spade, like a lightweight transplanting one, and allow children to dig in.
Pulling the hose around: Moving the hose to position the sprinkler is one job children can help with, and it will help them gain strength and agility.
Object manipulation: Modify a few hand tools by cutting the wooden handle to an appropriate kid-sized height. This allows children to help with hoeing and cultivating using our tools.
Gardening also teaches . . .
Healthy eating habits: A carrot gently coaxed from the earth just moments before eating is flavorful, and there is no comparison to its sister from the grocery store. After many days awaiting harvest day, most children are eager to try their raised vegetables and fruits. This makes a simple segway to more fresh meals and encourages healthy eating from their crop.
Organizational skills and STEM learning: Gardens usually have an element of precision through rows, measurements between plants or seeds, and planned walkways. Organizing a new garden takes some skills in mathematics and measuring. Learning about plant life cycles, weather patterns, and even insects can pique scientific curiosity and discovery.
Children can reap the benefits of gardening even if they don’t have a large plot. Carve out whatever space you can to get them started, and look for opportunities to contribute to a community garden near you.