September is a great time to plant vegetables and flowers to enjoy as the temperatures cool down and the leaves begin to fall. Wondering what to plant, here is a great guide to get you started.
· Fall vegetables
You can direct-sow fall vegetables like beets, carrots, cabbage, kale, lettuce, parsnips, radishes, spinach, Swiss chard, and turnips. You can also transplant broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower seedlings.
· Cool-season annuals
You can replace summer annuals with cool-season annuals like asters, calabrachoa, celosia, marigolds, mums, ornamental peppers, petunias, or compact bedding zinnias.
· Wildflowers
You can plant wildflower seeds for blooms in the spring.
· Beets
Fall is a better time to grow beets than spring because they are sweeter and more tender, and they can survive light freezes and frosts down to about 20 degrees F.
· Snapdragons
Snapdragons produce more blooms in cool temperatures, so you can plant them in early September to enjoy their color all fall.
· Pansies
Pansies are a resilient flower that can withstand colder weather and may even bloom all winter and into the spring.

· Chrysanthemums
Chrysanthemums come in fall colors and can be planted in full sun to produce flowers throughout the fall season.

It's time to go through your beds and do a quick cleanup of any dried, dead, diseased, or already-harvested plants. Do not throw diseased plants in your compost pile. Weeds would love to steal moisture and nutrients from your fall veggies, so they gotta go before seeds drop. Are you ready to watch your fall vegetables and annuals grow and produce?